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TIDAL Desktop

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Faça streaming de milhares de músicas no seu PC
TIDAL Desktop is the desktop version of the well-known music streaming platform that lets you listen to thousands of songs on your PC. With an elegantly-designed interface, you'll find tons of playlists and songs for every moment of the day. Just like what happens with similar platforms like Spotify, you can create your playlists and save all your favorite tunes. This is a great option if you want to have quick access to specific songs you love. TIDAL offers excellent sound quality and all the content you play comes with official licenses from the artists. From the side panel in TIDAL Desktop, you can also find a tab where you can explore all different types of artists. In this section you can discover new songs and groups that you've never even heard of before. Best of all, the platform is known for offering concerts and videos of other musical shows that you can enjoy from an audiovisual perspective. TIDAL Desktop is an ideal solution if you want easy access to all the music you love and a way to discover new groups and artists. With its simple interface, you won't have any problems playing each song and even adapting the sound quality to your particular needs.