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Grave e compartilhe podcasts do seu Android
Spreaker is a service that lets you record your own podcast directly from your Android. And, even better, once they're recorded you can share them on the Internet with this app's entire user community (this service is available both on smartphones and on web browsers). When it comes time to record a podcast, the first thing will be clarifying which category you want it included in. Are you going to talk about a video game? There's a category for that. Feel like recording a program about cooking? There's one for that, too. This step is important as it's how other users can find you more easily. Of course, Spreaker can be used not only for recording podcasts but also for listening to them. In fact, this app ONLY lets you listen to podcasts. To record podcasts you'll need a different app. Thanks to Spreaker any user can take their voice to any corner of the globe. If you have both a good idea for a podcast and an Android device, you have everything necessary to start broadcasting. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next big hit.