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103.14 MB
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Thais Martiniano
TikTok agora tem um app de música
Resso is a music streaming app developed by the TikTok team that offers a similar experience to Spotify or Deezer. The app also has a strong social component, putting special focus on sharing music you're listening to at any time. It's easy to see the huge importance of the social aspect of Resso the instant you start listening to your first song. You'll find a ton of options for sharing your music on the platform itself, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook. You can share music automatically embedding song lyrics or with the so-called 'vibes,' simple background videos that will give a dynamic touch to your songs. As usual in these types of apps, Resso lets you create custom playlists, manually adding as many songs as you want. Plus, you can share your lists with other users. And of course, you can take a look at your friends' lists and follow the ones you like best. That way, whenever a list you follow is updated, you'll get a notification. Resso is an incredibly interesting music streaming app that offers a real alternative to the big platforms. Its incredible range of social features gives it a unique twist that many users are sure to appreciate.