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Recetas Infantiles

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Getting kids to eat right is tricky, especially when they hate certain ingredients or don't want to try something new. Recetas Infantiles, then, is a good tool for parents who want to learn to cook healthy meals for kids. In this app, you'll find dozens of recipes. The app is divided into four categories: savory recipes, chocolate, mashed, and kids. The last two are intended for babies who don't have teeth yet or are just beginning to eat solids. With this app, you'll find basic recipes to feed your kids. Each of them has a picture and a series of steps to help you cook the recipe. Even if you've never made it before, it will still come out perfectly because all the recipes are very easy. The chocolate category even has some dessert recipes, so you can create a fun menu for your kids with new and different dishes. In each of the categories, you'll find dozens of dishes made with healthy ingredients that your children will love. Each new update includes new recipes that will offer some variety so your family can eat a totally different meal every day.