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Google Talkback

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Thais Martiniano
For those who need accessibility, Google Talkback is an excellent option. If you want to find out how to download and use the app, follow us through this article!

Accessibility for those who need it is with Google Talkback!

The internet today is no longer just entertainment, but a global work and communication tool. Thus, it is also important to think about users who have any type of disability. Then came Google Talkback, an accessibility tool for PCDs. Follow this post to find out what it can do!

So what is Google Talkback?

If you're visually impaired, you'll probably love downloading Google Talkback. That's because it's an accessibility app that allows for better inclusion for people with visual impairments. Thus, it is one of the tools created by Google to add more and more users to the platform.

Today, Google Talkback already has millions of users, and it has excellent ratings. It's available for Android, advertised as Google's official accessibility pack. However, it is important to learn how this app can help you when it comes to inclusion on the internet.

How can this app help with accessibility?

Google Talkback works like a text narrator on your mobile phone. Therefore, whatever is written on the screen, it will read it out loud to you. So, if you have visual difficulties, you can understand the contents without necessarily having to see what's on your device.

Besides, it also gives you the option of typing by voice, so you don't need to use the keyboard. With this, people with visual impairments are able to communicate, access the internet, enjoy social networks and much more. Therefore, it is already an excellent advantage to take advantage of this feature on your mobile phone.

Are there any downsides to using Google Talkback?

However, there is still a long way to go before we can say that Google Talkback is a complete application. Therefore, many users complain about not having an active reading, and not making descriptions of pictures or buttons. As a result, the application only covers the text, which does not guarantee a complete internet usage experience.

Also, it doesn't work well with other functions. As a result, it may not have a good compatibility with phone calls or other apps such as WhatsApp. So, it's important to check all these functions so that you have full access to your phone's tools.

But is Google Talkback a good app?

Yes, Google Talkback is a great app for anyone who needs mobile accessibility. In this way, the functions it presents are excellent within what it proposes. Thus, it can make reading by voice much easier for users who have vision problems.

However, it still needs to integrate more accessibility tools to become a full-featured app. For example, the possibility of enlarging the letters on the screen also for those who have visual difficulties and like to read. But overall, it's an excellent app, with flawless operation.

And we understand that inclusion for people with disabilities is an important topic in technology. So, if you want to know other applications for accessibility, here on the website we can recommend you. So take advantage of the content we have available, and find out how to use the tools to ensure equal access for everyone.