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Logo Flash Alerts 2 Pro Icon

Flash Alerts 2 pro

10 avaliações
Classificação do conteúdo
Classificação Livre
2.54 MB
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Configure alertas de flash para o seu smartphone
Flash Alerts 2 Pro is an excellent app for setting up flash alerts on your smartphone. If you're looking for this kind of app - either because you don't have anything like it or you want an alternative to your smartphone's current notification options - then you're in the right place, because Flash Alerts 2 Pro is one of the best options you'll find for Android. The way Flash Alerts 2 Pro works is very simple. Basically, it will use your smartphone camera's flash to alert you of any notifications you receive. The app has a simple and intuitive design, so you shouldn't have any trouble exploring the different options available to you. The best part of Flash Alerts 2 Pro is its high degree of customization. You can adjust the alerts to your preferences or needs, setting certain lighting patterns for calls, SMS, notifications, or missed calls. The alerts are compatible with all the apps on your smartphone, as well as silence and vibration modes. Flash Alerts 2 Pro is an excellent choice if you're looking for this kind of a thing. Try it and see how much better it is to have flash alerts!